The Headache Stopper Apps

The Headache Stopper 1.0
The Headache Stopper provides fast, effective,drug-free relief from anxiety, and headaches (even migraines) injust minutes! This “tuning” process has been developed and refinedfor several years by the lead Physical Therapist at MaximumFunction. His primary goal is to help people…period!Simple and Effective:The Headache Stopper is designed to be used alone or in combinationwith our simple to use “tuning tools” without the use of drugs orother medicines!How it Works:The Headache Stopper eliminates pain by “re-tuning” the nervoussystem. Stress is the trigger that causes most headaches andmigraines. The Headache Stopper method attacks stressed nerves bytuning the nervous system through visual, audio, and humming softtones to interrupt the pain pathways and restore your peace of mindand body.Usage:Gently place tip of tongue between front teeth. Tap the screen tohum along to a pleasant note sequence. Tap the screen again tostop. 60 seconds is usually sufficient. Users are encouraged to trythe app until they become comfortable with the exercise. Repeatdaily. Use at the start of a headache, or when a headache is likelyto occur soon.Customize:Use the supplied peaceful images; include your favorite images fromyour camera roll; or both.Choose a comfortable amount of time to hum to each note.Choose a comfortable amount of time to breathe between eachnote.Testimonials:“Before narcolepsy diagnosis, neuralgia, and, what I think wasshingles that caused such severe nerve pain in my arms, I stayedactive with exercise.These series of events really knocked me down in differentways...and quite severely.The narcolepsy diagnosis created a bad depression and I hardlyleft my bed for a year. My body got softer and was more prone tosprains than before.I tried to get back into the habit of exercising but when theneuralgia hit, it seemed impossible to keep a routine. Plus, themore I did when I could, the more muscles I seemed to sprain. Eachsprain was a few months of recovery.So for the last 3 years exercise has been hit and miss. Thesnowball effect of the neuralgia pain eventually made it so everytime I exercised I got a migraine within about 20 minutes. Inspring of this year I pretty much gave up on exercise. There were acouple of times I did give it a try but my anxiety about the painto come was so overwhelming. I have had very little exercise forabout 6 months.I had an overwhelming urge to get on the elliptical today. Ieven tried to talk myself out of it, but my urge was toostrong.About 15 minutes into it my anxiety started to climb. My bodywent into auto pilot mode and started doing the humming/tuning app.I would run through it a few times, find relaxation, then stop.Every few minutes the anxiety would creep up and I would hum/tuneagain, and repeat until my 30 minutes was up.With grateful tears I am happy to report that I came out of thiswithout a migraine. I do have a mild ache in the side if my face,but it's mild.I am SO excited! I know this is only day one, but I feel hopefulthat I can find a consistent routine again.Thank you!”“I will try to explain some of my thoughts as a patient withexperience in using guided imagery, meditation, biofeedback, etc.[…] Have you listened to other guided relaxation Apps before??You've done a wonderful job in creating one. At first I had tobreathe the tones out as I memorized them and began to start outslowly due to pain making my nervous system hyper. And I'm able torecall those tones during a flare up when I don't have the App onwhich helps calm me down. ”***Disclaimer***This app cannot substitute the advice resulting from a consultationfrom a trained medical practitioner.